"I was no Oasis, But surely I was a mirage. I was never here in the first place"

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Such sweet words you whisper, But my ear bleeds from every word you say. I can feel the rain falling down on me, I can't seem to cry even though I wanted too, Its not that I'm strong, No, its not my strong pride. I can't cry because I'm tired. I have become numb. Hollow like a stump, What am I?
I look in the mirror with a confused look. I see not me but another.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

I can not Falter.

I used to have this burning Passion, I used to have such a fiery soul, But now its  filled with cigarette holes. To be honest I don't really know what to do. Once you had a taste of what reality is, It's hard to get it out of your mind. I walk through the streets with my hand in my pocket and headphones on my ear. Hoping that music would take me away from this harsh reality. Sometimes I wish I was lost in sea, Never to be found, Just like Atlantis. Let me fade away from the maps in peoples memories. They never really thought of me in the first place. I'm tired of wearing masks, It makes me weary and dreary. Let me just rest and sleep with my eyes closed forever. But no, I can not break, not today or tomorrow. I do wish for myself to end. But I can not falter, I still need to do things even though I'm lost. There are things I still need to do. I do not wish to die and give debt too those I call family. But once the last coin has dropped into the collectors pocket. I think ill shall be on my way into limbo. Forever lost and forgotten.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

At your service.

Let me tell you this, I know I have always told you to never give up. I always try my best to help you whenever I can. I did not even care when you cried because he broke your heart. I was there beside you  with my shoulder all wet because you cried non stop, I held you tight and told you everything will be All-right. Whenever we would go out and it would rain I was there and hold the umbrella for you. But then you vanished without taking to me any more, But I did not care, I was used to it. Its funny how you do a lot for someone, But when they don't need you any more you become a stranger to them. I faded away, I feel like a ghost in limbo, Just wandering around always ready to give a helping hand, Building my bridges even thought people burn them. Sometimes I say to my self I should stop the good guy act or ill end up dead or hurt someone else, But I said to my self, I can't, I really can't. I don't care. I have had this façade for a long time. But deep inside I have always expect the pain that will come, They say its good to feel pain, Because you know you are still alive. I have been like this since I was young, And once you get used to it its hard to change, It does hurt me, It hurts me a lot like a blade that hits me deep in my heart. I'm maybe human and I don't want to lose my humanity. But I'm only a cigarette to the eyes of others, Use me then just throw me away when you are satisfied. well I don't mind. even though its sad. It makes me feel useful, But ill always feel like a ghost in limbo, Wandering around. Ready to be used...

Sunday, August 16, 2015

I'm tired.

My Bridges Grow longer but Their walls grow higher, I'm so tired. You can see me sitting on a corner rotting, Moss comes out from my Hollowed body. My eyes so bloodshot and Black they all think I'm dead. But if you stand closer and actually listened my heart is still beating, Love is still flowing even though the darkness it embraces me. I want to lose hope, But hope wont lose me, it hurts, It hurts a lot but I don't Mind, The pain it reminds me that I'm still alive. I swam in the river of hopes and dreams but the current it took me to the vast ocean. Now I'm confused. Like a sailor that has lost his compass. Where is north? Where is south?. But maybe sometimes being lost in a cruel world is much nicer, Let me drift more further from reality. Only problem is the more you want to be as far away as possible from reality, the more harder it yanks you back. My lips are dry my words mute, I tried talking. But everyone seems deaf. Ill just hug a tree and slowly become one with it. And ill be back from where I came from. From the soils of earth.

"Our life here is just a momentary illusion, and someday reality would yank us back to the world we came from.”

Sunday, August 2, 2015


They told me to be afraid of death, But I told them that in death there is no pain, there is no life. I'm not telling you to not fear death but also fear life, Because life is not permanent unlike death it ends. Fear for your life, Do everything you want to do. For life is so fragile and death can take it any time it wants. Most of the time I don't really think people read the stuff I write it, Depression lingers deep inside my vain's. Never think you are suffering alone, we are all here in this world to suffer but that does not mean we are alone. We are under the same sky. same moon, same sun. Don't look up. Look forward. Look ahead of you and make a future for yourself. If you want to kill yourself, Kill your old self. Be reborn a new person. Do not speak of death as salvation. Who knows about the afterlife? What if we just suffer more even after in death, Would you take that risk? Live life, Suffer and complain because that is life. Make loneliness your friend, Embrace your past but never say Death is salvation. We are the lonely people, The broken and the demented. Together we will suffer but not falter, We shall live the way we want too. But I, I'm different. I'm stubborn and most have given up on me. But Ill never give up on other people. So ill be an example. If you don't want to end up like me, Do better. I'm nothing but a soul in Limbo. Hollow like a stomp, Eyes tired and dead. But I'm still smiling somehow I don't know how. We can survive.