"I was no Oasis, But surely I was a mirage. I was never here in the first place"

Sunday, August 16, 2015

I'm tired.

My Bridges Grow longer but Their walls grow higher, I'm so tired. You can see me sitting on a corner rotting, Moss comes out from my Hollowed body. My eyes so bloodshot and Black they all think I'm dead. But if you stand closer and actually listened my heart is still beating, Love is still flowing even though the darkness it embraces me. I want to lose hope, But hope wont lose me, it hurts, It hurts a lot but I don't Mind, The pain it reminds me that I'm still alive. I swam in the river of hopes and dreams but the current it took me to the vast ocean. Now I'm confused. Like a sailor that has lost his compass. Where is north? Where is south?. But maybe sometimes being lost in a cruel world is much nicer, Let me drift more further from reality. Only problem is the more you want to be as far away as possible from reality, the more harder it yanks you back. My lips are dry my words mute, I tried talking. But everyone seems deaf. Ill just hug a tree and slowly become one with it. And ill be back from where I came from. From the soils of earth.

"Our life here is just a momentary illusion, and someday reality would yank us back to the world we came from.”

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